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What is the roofing sheet

  • Time:2024-06-03
         I believe many people are very new to the term roofing. In fact, roofing is not a roof, but only a part of the roof. Many buyers only know that they need it, and they bought roofing sheets in a vague way, but they didn't quite understand what roofing sheets are. Roofing refers to the load-bearing panel laid on the roof surface of the house. It is a product of a new era and new technology. It is a structural layer of cast-in-place or prefabricated panels, which is used as a roofing panel that carries the weight of the roof. Its own weight is lighter, it can form an oxide layer by itself for external erosion, and it can better prevent corrosion and rust. When the user is constructing, the installation is also very simple. It only needs to be connected by simple welding, riveting, etc. It is a very amazing material. Moreover, the material can be recycled and reused, the utilization rate is very high, economical, environmentally friendly and durable. At present, most roofing panels on the market are made of aluminum, magnesium, manganese or alloys. Its height is selected based on load and veneer span.